Saturday, July 19, 2008

Interior Design

You know when you have a small space, like we do now you say if i had a bigger space I'd do this & that...
Now that we have a HUGE place I have no idea what I'm gonna do!!
I mean i know what i want, but I don't want to buy something that we wont use.

We're gonna spend allot of time in the entertainment area where the TV is so we need comfy furniture there.
It'll be the first floor where we're rebuilding it. Comfy, light furniture we can lay on - so what if we spill a soda-Its easy to clean!!lol

In front of the kitchen will be our dining room where now we have a round glass table for four , I wanted a rectangular table for 8 I know we rarely have guests but it'll be good if i throw a party now & then, but only a few close friends. (You're invited!:))

In front of that space in front of the window with the most beautiful view I'm stuck what to do... The piano? Waterfall element on the wall is a must.
An elegant, rich furniture That is L shaped or round?...
I saw this beautiful round furniture with crocodile skin. It was a BEAUTY...That's what i was thinking.

The first floor will be a knock out!

What about downstairs?!! Any interior designer or anyone who has tips?!lol Downstairs I want a billiard, maybe the piano...More furniture?
I have no idea.
I don't like homes with allot of furniture (I mean sofa/sitting space)
Most of our time will be the entertainment room & working room Where i will be on the internet or working/drawing/designing...
Of course playing with my daughter! :D
So i want only what we need.

I don't like guests sleeping over (*cough *in laws *cough*) That's why i never handled a full time maid/nanny cuz of the thought strangers sharing our roof. It annoys me so that's why we only have 3 rooms.

One is the office , one is our daughters WE 100% SURE KNOW WE WANT AN ONLY LIKE WE ALWAYS WANTED! & of course the master bedroom, rooms are clear to me what we want so that a relief!

I love wallpaper nothing 70's-80's but a modern ,simple-chic & forever looking wall covering.

The house will be filled with my art-& EROTIC ART THAT IS! I don't care anymore if that offends ppl, that's is a reason I stopped drawing cuz some were uncomfortable but this new house means a new me, & my family will be happy that I'm going to start painting again.


I have no idea what color i should go with.
Hubby says warm colors i say neutral wood. But I like these designs.
I do know i want glass cabinets with frames. from clear glass to matte.

I like the Mosaic work on this pic for the kitchen.

I would love an oven like this but what if the lights/powers go out? Like as if I really cook!!lol We'll order from out the point is a nice looking kitchen!!lol

I really like the design & shelves.


From bathtubs -sinks-shower heads-to faucets.

This is bliss!


The house has so much work! we decided to rebuild the first floor & make a bigger lounge/entertainment center. rebuild the yard & the master bedroom. I WANT A BIGGER MASTER BEDROOM & a hallway that enters the master bathroom. So this will take a year to do. We gotta wait for better things.
I put so many ideas out & me & my hubby have decided on the best for us.

The first floor you enter is the kitchen & diningroom -building a larger lounge/ entertainment room on the other side. A working room office & library (a room with my PC desk & our books & our working desks). Next to it is the bathroom.

The second floor you go DOWN Is another huge lounge & the bedrooms. The master bedroom Shanelli's bedroom & the patio. The patio is in front of the master bedroom which has 2 doors from our room & the lounge.

The 3rd floor you go down is the gym, jacuzzi, & sauna & a door that leads to the yard that has stairs you go down to the yard so its an outdoor patio & yard.
That's it

We have a spiral stair & i want a beautiful drop chandelier in the middle. These are some beautiful designs that I LIKED

Yea right this is in the kennedy H. but its just a design we can start with!lol

Color wise i want clear crystal or champagne colored.

ofcourse for other places

Thursday, July 17, 2008

**My house** in the middle of...**

Its a triplex house so stairway/case makes a place much more beautiful. I can go for wood, if we do we have to use wood in other places also.
i also love Plexus glass its chic not luxurious like wood but very minimalist but modern at the same time. I do believe less is always more.

For my Patio i was thinking something comfy not metal or anything plastic EEW! cleaning & maintaining would be hard (THAT'S WHY WE HAVE A MAID!)...but hey this is my dream!!! :P

The yard... I love JAPANESE GARDENS!! i love the peace & tranquility of gardens. I don't want the whole are to be Japanese garden cuz i also love my rose garden & tall trees but an area is possible w/ fake pond with fishes-real fishes!!

This is unique...Not something that i really want but something to show. These are beautiful & comfy!

I like this pitfire
I like the exterior lighting in the yard. I want something like this.

I want something like this in my living room waterfalls & water is an element i love in the house. But its important its Away from the TV /entertainment area...maybe the first floor where the dining room & lounge will be?

I always wanted a bed that had curtains silk or organza still don't know... This time I'm gonna go with animal print for our bedroom It'll bring out the animal in me!!lol that was lame...:P
I need a walk in closet but i know that's not possible!!! lol but isn't this nice...Mariah Carey's would be perfect!!lol HEY!! I SAID ITS A DREAM! :P But seriously i need to think about closets cuz i have SOOOO many outfits i use my daughter's closet now! She is even turning into her mommy! has so many & we cant fit it...We need another house to fit our outfits!lol
We have a jacuzzi & sauna this is a small pool we can do i think if we don't build a gym but i prefer a gym. Where is this guy swimming to?! like as if he has all the space to swim free!:p

This isn't a look I'm aiming at but its a start , I just liked it.

Kitchen is a hard one.

I'm thinking warm colors(I ALWAYS USE WARM COLORS OUR KITCHEN RIGHT NOW IS CRIMSON & CREAM) but i want modern & sophisticated. I LOVE glass/clear cabinets this one looks so cool.
this is cute but can hardley wash anything!!
I like the lighting that comes through the walls & stairs.

Isn't this like the perfect bathroom?!!

This is a modern couch but doesn't look very comfortable. But its cute.