Saturday, July 19, 2008

Interior Design

You know when you have a small space, like we do now you say if i had a bigger space I'd do this & that...
Now that we have a HUGE place I have no idea what I'm gonna do!!
I mean i know what i want, but I don't want to buy something that we wont use.

We're gonna spend allot of time in the entertainment area where the TV is so we need comfy furniture there.
It'll be the first floor where we're rebuilding it. Comfy, light furniture we can lay on - so what if we spill a soda-Its easy to clean!!lol

In front of the kitchen will be our dining room where now we have a round glass table for four , I wanted a rectangular table for 8 I know we rarely have guests but it'll be good if i throw a party now & then, but only a few close friends. (You're invited!:))

In front of that space in front of the window with the most beautiful view I'm stuck what to do... The piano? Waterfall element on the wall is a must.
An elegant, rich furniture That is L shaped or round?...
I saw this beautiful round furniture with crocodile skin. It was a BEAUTY...That's what i was thinking.

The first floor will be a knock out!

What about downstairs?!! Any interior designer or anyone who has tips?!lol Downstairs I want a billiard, maybe the piano...More furniture?
I have no idea.
I don't like homes with allot of furniture (I mean sofa/sitting space)
Most of our time will be the entertainment room & working room Where i will be on the internet or working/drawing/designing...
Of course playing with my daughter! :D
So i want only what we need.

I don't like guests sleeping over (*cough *in laws *cough*) That's why i never handled a full time maid/nanny cuz of the thought strangers sharing our roof. It annoys me so that's why we only have 3 rooms.

One is the office , one is our daughters WE 100% SURE KNOW WE WANT AN ONLY LIKE WE ALWAYS WANTED! & of course the master bedroom, rooms are clear to me what we want so that a relief!

I love wallpaper nothing 70's-80's but a modern ,simple-chic & forever looking wall covering.

The house will be filled with my art-& EROTIC ART THAT IS! I don't care anymore if that offends ppl, that's is a reason I stopped drawing cuz some were uncomfortable but this new house means a new me, & my family will be happy that I'm going to start painting again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am an interior designer graduated from American University in Dubai. well right now because of the the market around the world i am jobless. i will be more than happy to help you out with the interior design of your house.right now i am in Iran. please let me know, if you need ideas or help. my Email is
Best regards